5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Change Your Life
Linsey S
5 New Year’s Resolutions That Will Change Your Life
Post by: Linsey S29/12/2015
The 1st January signals the start of a new year, new beginnings and making plans for the year ahead. If you plan to make improvements to your lifestyle, business or any aspect of your life in 2016, we’ve put together some of the most beneficial resolutions you can make. Oh, and we’ve also weaved in a few furniture hire tips along the way, naturally!
1. Be More Organised
We could all do with being more organised. Making lists, using your time effectively and starting with the small things are just some of the ways you can make this resolution last longer than the first week in January. Decluttering and keeping everything in its place is another way you can get organised. In the office environment, having the right workstation can make all the difference and our range of office furniture is the perfect means of keeping everything you need close to hand.
2. Take Care Of Yourself
With our busy lives at home and at work, it can be hard to find the time to look after number one. If your New Year’s resolution for 2016 is to look after yourself, there are many ways you can do this. Taking up a new hobby, adjusting your diet or taking more exercise are just some of the changes you can make. There is another way you can ensure you can take care of yourself and that is by reviewing your workstation and seating. Most of us spend at least 8 hours at our desks. Bad posture, repetitive strain injuries and other problems can occur as a result of sitting at the wrong height or in an unsuitable chair. Changing to a new desk and a more comfortable chair could make all the difference.
3. Smile More
Did you know that when you smile you release happy hormones that can affect the rest of your body? Smiling is good for you and others around you. As the saying goes “smile and the world smiles back”. At Online Furniture Hire we give you so many more reasons to smile. Our flexible approach to furniture hire, our affordable prices and our price match promise are just some of the reasons to turn that frown upside down.
4. Save More Money
Whether it’s for a rainy day or a sunny holiday, putting a little money away at the end of each month can make such a difference. Just skipping your morning latte could give you an extra £75 to save each month. Making small adjustments to your spending could reap big rewards at the end of 2016, or whenever you feel like plundering your hard earned savings. We can help you to save money too. We keep our furniture hire prices reassuringly low without ever compromising on quality. What’s more, we bring you tax savings too as furniture hire is seen as a business operating expense.
5. Schedule Some Relaxation At Work
We all need to take a break away from our screens and desks. In fact, taking regular breaks can be very beneficial for the mind, body and soul. More and more offices are creating relaxation and break out areas for their staff, and it is here where some of the best ideas and problem solving can be achieved. If you are considering creating such an area, we have a huge range of comfortable low level seating that is just perfect. How about our cube seating and low contemporary sofas? These are not only relaxing to sit on, but they look ultra stylish too!
Online Furniture Hire - The New Year’s Resolution That’s Easy To Keep
Here at Online Furniture Hire, we offer affordable, flexible and stylish furniture hire that is personalised to suit your needs. Our price match promise and reassuring quality have helped us to become one of the leading furniture hire companies in the UK today and our reputation just keeps growing. Make some positive changes in 2016. Speak to us today for a free quote and to find out more about our range and our price match promise.